
Hate by any other name still won't taste sweet

It breaks people, it wrecks dreams,
it tears them at the seams,
and it seems to be all that we know.
It’s starting to show, through the cracks.
It’s the laceration of our nation,
we tear ourselves apart to look smart.
We’d rather be right, so we fight.
We demolish our foe while we polish our dough.
We will never be caught looking compassionate, we will never admit:
we are all broken apart from the start.
We think the only way to make it is to take it
away from someone else.
Let’s put our selfishness on the shelf or kiss
this world goodbye.
It’s better to try
and fail miserably, weeping on the ground with someone to pick you up,
then to succeed by keeping our ignorance and throwing someone under the bus.

It’s not weakness that makes us trust.

It takes strength to ask for help, we all need it, at least a bit.
So admit that you’re wrong, the next time you know you’re right.
You have to pick your battles and it is never worth the fight.
So love thy neighbour whether that was God talking or not.
Because it’s good advice and we were all taught:
If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
Better yet, make it up, or be prepared to fall.
The end of the world is coming,
but it’s not famine, it’s not disease,
it’s not lack of oxygen from killing all the trees,
it’s not the apocalypse or any one thing
it’s just us: choosing to be mean.