Infrequently Asked Questions

Here are all of the Infrequently Asked Questions I know you aren't dying to hear.
Please, feel free to send questions you have and, if no one else cares, I will probably answer them on here.

Are you a triple Gemini?

What does your conditioner smell like?

What will you have written on your tombstone?
Well, I plan on donating my body to science for two reasons:
1. I think it's the right thing to do.
2. I think science really needs my help understanding how to replicate the essence of awesome.
However, if people still made me a tombstone I would want it to say, "This is not buried treasure!" in case my grave was near a local hangout for pirates.

What's the colour of your toothbrush?
Actually, I have more than one.
I have one that is white and blue, another that is white and pink, and another that is dark green.

How do you feel about garden gnomes?
I'm going to say that they are generally creepy. Furthermore, I would feel particularly "creeped out" if a garden gnome just showed up in my house or something of that nature.

If you were a Microsoft Office program, which one would you be?
Word, because I use it everyday. Also, I say "word" a lot.

What is your favourite:
Sound? Time.
Word? Hypotheses.

What is your least favourite:
Month? August.
State? Massachusetts.

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