

Do you remember the time you ran away from home? 
The time when you were six and convinced you could make it without them? 
So you grabbed your favorite toy, 
maybe made a sandwich, 
and you carefully tied your shoes before walking out the front door.

You kept going, down the driveway...
maybe all the way down the block, but you turned back. 

That's the important bit: you went back.

Do you remember when you left home? 
The time you were old enough to be "grown up" and convinced you could make it without them? 
So you packed your clothes and books, 
maybe made a mixed cd, 
and you made sure you had your brave face on before walking out the front door.

You kept going, past the driveway... 
and miles and miles away until you reach a new place, and you called it home. 
But it never felt right. And you could never go back. 

That's the important bit: never.

Maybe we are always running away from something, maybe it's just me. 
But what I do know is that once you leave somewhere, you can never go back. 
It is no longer the same place you left it.